Day: March 30, 2023

Coloring Wheel

The Color Wheel: A Comprehensive Guide to Color Theory

The color wheel is a visual representation of the relationships between colors. It is an essential tool in color theory that helps designers, artists, and anyone interested in color understand how colors work together. The coloring wheel is a circular diagram showing the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors and their relationships. Let’s explore the different types of color wheels, color relationships, color schemes, and color psychology.   Types of Color Wheel: There are three types of color wheels: primary, secondary, and tertiary.


How to Pursue a Career in UX UI Design: Tips for Success

Who is suitable for the field of UX UI? You want to learn about UX UI, but before making the decision to dive into this field, there are some important things you should consider. Firstly, not everyone can be a designer. The field of design requires an aesthetic affinity. If you don’t have an interest in design or creativity, then this is probably not the field for you. Many students who are interested in UX and UI already have experience